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Soft Skills global Horizon Plus Training Center

Design Leadership Culture for Organizational Success

Leading for Organizational Impact

Design Leadership Culture for Organizational Success

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05.Aug.2024 to 09.Aug.2024
London - Premier inn Victoria
Cost 4445 £ GBP


This course has the potential to significantly improve the quality of your work, career, and life.  It will give you the tools and motivation you need to change the way your team perceives you.  It will elevate you from manager to leader, coach, and facilitator. As a result, your impact will be long-lasting and significant. And it will give you the confidence to stake out and build an exciting future, one that meets the individual needs of a new generation of employees and demanding stakeholders.

In a nutshell, it will accelerate the transition from average to exceptional.

The time has come for a new approach to leadership and organizational performance, and the need is urgent. Insanity, according to Albert Einstein, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Nonetheless, most organizations continue to use outdated practices that are inefficient, time-consuming and frustrate both employees and clients. These organizations have an excess of managers and a scarcity of leaders.

Unless you work in a start-up, your company is governed by a culture that is rooted in the past. But the future is where you'll spend the majority of your time. As a result, developing a new culture that embraces challenges and change is critical. It is a leadership task.

This course will highlight:

  • Anticipating the future

  • Getting ahead of the change curve

  • Creating an agile work environment

  • Understanding why the new generation of employees – the Millennials – are different and need new organization strategies to leverage their talent better

  • Building change into daily management practices

  • Welcoming new challenges with a can-do attitude

  • Incorporating leadership best practices to suit your context

  • Understanding the biochemical influence of effective leadership

  • Powering up your team for peak performance

  • Using analysis to build accountability for continuous improvement

Course Objectives of Design Leadership Culture for Organizational Success

At the end of this course, you will learn to:

  • Understand and apply best leadership practices from the world’s most admired organizations

  • Engage and empower employees to go beyond their perceived abilities

  • Transform your work environment into one that embraces change and challenges

  • Make changes to the structure of your team to facilitate value-added ongoing improvement

  • Facilitate measurable improved performance and innovation

Course Methodology of Design Leadership Culture for Organizational Success

This course will be participative and engaging. The participants will learn by being exposed to practices that are field-tested. Each fast-paced session will expose participants to the speaker’s international experience of working with world-class organizations. There will be many interactive exercises and discussions to see how best practices can be applied to the participant’s circumstances.

They will have a personal action plan to improve their team and feel empowered to seize new opportunities that might previously have been hidden.

Organizational Impact of Design Leadership Culture for Organizational Success

Organizations that send their managers to this course will see: 

  • Increased enthusiasm to tackle challenges

  • A proactive approach to leading value-added change

  • Application of best practices that other managers would want to emulate

  • Measurable impact on employee performance

  • New behaviors that accelerate high performance

  • Increase collaborative problem-solving and innovation

Personal Impact of Design Leadership Culture for Organizational Success

The participants will return to work with heightened enthusiasm to: 

  • Be an admired contributor

  • Contribute to stakeholder benefits in meaningful and measurable ways

  • Learn new practical, proven tools and techniques that are impactful in the real world

  • Reduce negative stress that contributes to low morale, high absenteeism, and poor performance

  • Structure your team to drive increased value

  • Have a sense of confidence to overcome organizational roadblocks

Who Should Attend

Leadership is an essential skill for managers who want to break free of tiered and ineffective traditional management practices. In a global economy, learning firm and practicing transformative strategies are key to survival and success.

This course is suitable for a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Front-line managers under pressure to do more with less

  • Senior Managers who are charged with transforming their department to be more client-centric

  • Human Resource Professionals who need to be up-to-date on best leadership practices

  • Managers who are too involved in day-to-day issues and who need to drive performance through others

  • Senior and Middle Managers who aspire to a transformational leadership level

Course Outline


Anticipating and Impacting the Future 

  • Why do Managers need to Become Leaders?

  • The Purpose of Leadership

  • A New View of Leadership: Coach and Mentor Roles

  • Essential Ingredients of a High-Performance Organization

  • Leadership Styles: Self Evaluation

  • The Importance of Context

  • The Shackleton Saga: Lessons Learned

  • The Impact of Leadership on Performance


Hiring, Onboarding, and Training Future Leaders 

  • Attracting the Best Talent: Benchmark Practices

  • Understanding Future New Hires: Welcome to the Age of Millennials

  • Creating a Values-based rather than a Policies-based Environment

  • New Approaches to On-boarding

  • Finding and Hiring the Best Talent

  • The Biochemical Basis of Productive Employees


Leveraging Talent 

  • Leadership: The Art of Possibilities

  • Developing Trust: The Foundation of Engaging Employees in Setting Direction

  • Filling Employee’s Psychological Bucket

  • Achieving the “A” Performance by Expecting More

  • Coaching Roles: When to be a Sounding Board, Facilitator, or Advisor

  • Structuring Effective Regular Check-Ins

  • Building Accountability for Goals

  • Crucial Conversations: Being Assertive without Demeaning Egos


Powering Your Team to High Performance 

  • New Approaches to Teamwork

  • Elements of Effective Teams

  • Decision-Making: Choosing the Best Strategy to Suit Your Circumstances

  • Achieving Alignment with the Corporate Vision and Mission

  • Changing Your Measurement System to Build Commitment and Enthusiasm

  • Identifying a “Balanced” Set of Key Performance Indicators

  • Recognition and Rewards


Leading the Charge!

  • Being an Agent of Change

  • Building a Model for Influencing Change: Lessons from the Eagle

  • Understanding and Leveraging your Power Base

  • The Impact of Humility

  • Getting into the Head and Heart of those who are Intransigent

  • Producing Win-Win Outcomes


05.Aug.2024 to 09.Aug.2024
London - Premier inn Victoria
Cost 4445 £ GBP