The majority of civil servants promise to provide public service, but these promises are generally contingent on two factors: (1. Respected and compassionate supervisors who value their work., And (2.) similar relationships with other civil servants. As a result, for most civil servants seeking the value of work that can only be provided by the manager's attitude and skills, the supervisor role can be a game changer.
Effective managers understand how to design interactions that demonstrate how much each employee is worth for their efforts. This improves the output and performance of employees who are directly affected by the manager. Careful planning can be beneficial, but nothing enhances an employee's attitude and value as much as a manager who guides, guides, and trains employees to fulfill their greater responsibilities. This comprehensive public sector supervision training program teaches and demonstrates fundamental skills in encouraging, coaching, planning, and training to improve team performance. All of these monitoring actions have an impact on an employee's motivation and lead to improved performance. This focus enables public sector supervisors to overcome their apathy and find fulfillment in important supervisory work.
How to create high performers out of unmotivated workers
How to use the power of attitude and personal influence ?
Comprehend the fundamentals of mentoring and direct coaching
The ways of delivering feedback over constructive criticism
Determine methods in which you can add significance to supervising people
Learn the skills of on-the-job training techniques
Participants will learn by active participation during the program via the use of personal activities, questionnaires, group exercises, videos and lessons, and discussions of “real life” cases in their organizations.
Develop a self-directed team of employees inspired by any challenge
Reach more elevated levels of productivity by departments and people
Deliver a path for every employee to achieve their objectives
Manage around the constant changes in administrations
Add value to the requirements of the departments
Improve the skills of Motivating and Coaching your attendants
Develop the skill of Evaluating subordinates for further development
Developing the skill and techniques of on-the-job training
Create a positive impact on the department and organization
Plan around constant change