Technology has created extraordinary opportunities for increasing efficiency, enabling automation, and transforming how society interacts and engages with all aspects of life. The rate of change is accelerating, as are public expectations, and governments around the world must transform their operations to be more accessible, transparent, and accountable. Countries need well-defined agendas and support processes to drive change and use technology as a global example, in addition to adapting to global trends in E-Government.
Finally, through a citizen-centric model, E-Government aims to harness the power of technology to transform the way services are delivered to citizens and improve their experience. This has put pressure on organizations to realize, transform, and innovate in an environment rife with buzzwords like artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, machine learning, virtual reality, and robotics. Even though the government is burdened by legacy and is not a "start-up," it is committed to enforcing policies and serving all citizens, including those who refuse to embrace technology.
Technology must be applied as an 'enabler' at the right time and for the right reasons, not just because it is available or the latest trend - the question to always keep in mind is 'why are we investing in technology?'
E-Government – Definition of E-Government and the way governments can adjust and provide e-services, to promote a shift to new services to enhance the citizen’s experiences and how to define appropriate Key Performance Indicators
Digital Transformation – the definition of digital transformation, what are the benefits that could be delivered, and how to prioritize possibilities for automation, make use of the most proper delivery procedures, and seek opportunities to share services
Technological Developments – All too often people use technological buzzwords or feel obliged to apply them when they don’t necessarily understand their value and applicability. We will provide a brief overview of the current key buzzwords and how the technologies are being applied
A Citizen-Centric Approach – How are citizens' expectations changed and how can we meet their necessities by applying suitable technology to the delivery of services
Innovating Public Policy & Services – What is the role of Government and how can it better develop policies to deliver outcomes and create a structure and environment for innovation that delivers efficiency and improved services to Citizens? Benchmarking and learning from others – successes and failures
Excellence, Tools & Awards – Countries with a long-term vision for Public services, typically operate various tools, guidelines, and awards to drive change
Identify the possibilities E-government can bring and Recognize and prioritize where technology can be best applied to drive efficiencies, enable change and enhance service delivery for Citizens
To comprehend, research, and where to apply technologies appropriately, to enable a digital conversion that serves the Department and citizens
Design and execute a ‘Channel Shift’ technique to enable Citizens to take up and move to the most efficient e-enabled services
Ask the right questions and have the confidence to engage in conversations when seeking support to deliver policies, e-enable existing services or seek to improve the citizens experience
Determinate the needs of the ‘Citizen’ in all areas of work whether writing policy, creating a communications plan, or creating or improving a service
Understand the meaning of a Key Performance Indicators, how to create them, and ensure that they align with the outcomes sought from the application of technology
Have insight and basic understanding of the latest ‘buzzword’ technologies and their application
An interactive training course using a mixture of presentations with discussion, case studies, debates, and exercises including live examples. Ideally, attendees will bring questions and examples from their own working environment.
Acquire insight and understanding of what E-Government is and how it can deliver outcomes
Their role in delivering and enabling Digital Transformation and how it benefits the Department and Citizen’s
Ensure employees can talk confidently with technology Departments and know what questions to ask
Ensure a common understanding of how to improve the customer experience
How to identify opportunities for improvement and automation in delivering existing and new services
What to consider when defining and writing ‘outcome-based policy so as not to complicate on inhibiting the application of technology
The E-Government, Digital Transformation, and innovation agendas are at the heart of Government Departments, and those who wish to progress need to embrace this change.
Define E-Government, how it affects their role, and where they can add value to enhance its performance
What is Digital Transformation, how it affects E-Government and how can participants ensure that their voice is heard when they potentially have a technology requirement to deliver objectives
What are the latest ‘technology’ buzzwords mean and their relevance now or in the future
How they can confidently engage technologists, the questions to ask, and what information they need to provide to get the support they need
Their role in supporting and enabling the delivery of ‘Citizen Centric Services
How to recognize and articulate opportunities to Innovate