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Company Profile Global Horizon Plus Training Center
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Soft Skills global Horizon Plus Training Center

Creating & Developing an Effective Personnel Function

The workplace is changing, and HR must adapt to meet the demands of the new reality. HR's role has evolved from useful to transformational. HR must develop into a brand builder and leader.  HR strategies must evolve to reflect the way society is changing. Regular coaching and feedback, for example, have replaced the old notion of performance being managed by a yearly evaluation.

Employee empowerment and involvement have supplanted the old notion that a manager is the source of knowledge and authority. This introduces arrangements that allow organizations to delegate responsibility to employees, allowing them to make their own decisions and contribute to the success of the organization.

Managers, Supervisors, and Team Leaders must develop soft skills, competencies, and know-how in order to effectively manage people, particularly during times of change.

In the past, HR hired through agencies or advertisements and relied on interview techniques like panel interviews, with no regard for the need to make the process two-way. In today's world, everyone knows what it's like to work for your company because of social media.

This course will highlight on:

  • The Building Blocks to design an Effective HR Function

  • Developing the Function to match changes in Society

  • Developing the Role of HR and the Role of the Manager

  • Processes for:

    • Handling Change

    • Recruitment

    • Handling Performance Issues

    • Improving Commitment and Productivity

  • The Application of the Theory of the Psychological Contract (how to get the best from the workforce)

Course Objectives of The Art of Human Resource Management

By the end of this course, shareholders will be ready to:

  • Identify the trends that are changing the role of HR and the world of work

  • Describe the role or purpose of the HR function and the contribution the HR function makes to improving productivity and engagement

  • Explain the key principles and practices involved in

    • HR Strategy

    • Recruitment and Selection

    • Induction

    • Retention

    • Employee Relations

  • Apply an effective performance management process

  • Understand and use competencies for recruitment and performance management

  • Know how to handle conflict and disagreement

  • Apply some of the key personal skills needed to succeed in HR

Course Methodology of The Art of Human Resource Management

The training methodology used is designed to encourage maximum participation by all delegates. The presenter will suggest ideas and theories to the delegates and then encourage them to test out the ideas by the use of discussion, small group work, exercises, and feedback. Each day of this course will end by representatives completing their own record of what has been learned on the day and considering how the ideas might be transferred back to the workplace.

Organizational Impact of The Art of Human Resource Management

The purpose of this course from an organization’s point of view is to promote an effective approach to Human Resource Management.

As a result, an organization that applies these ideas will:

  • Know how to get the best from their greatest asset – their workforce

  • Know how to handle change effectively from an HR point of view

  • Know how to increase productivity

  • Know how to improve morale

  • Know how to improve motivation

  • Have an HR function which closely and in a mutually supportive way with the full line management team including Supervisors and Team Leaders

Personal Impact of The Art of Human Resource Management

As a result of attending this course, representatives will get:

  • Be effective in a range of circumstances encountered by HR professionals

  • Be confident in their approach to HR management

  • Be confident in their dealing with line managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders

  • Know how an effective HR function is structured

  • Know how to handle a range of employee relations issues

  • Be able to define a clear purpose and role for the HR function and to develop and implement an HR strategy

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