This training course focuses on current operational roles in global banking and financial intermediation, as well as short-term money exchanges, international exchange markets, and swap markets. It will evaluate a wide range of contemporary case models involving money transfers and the various products and services that support banking go-betweens. This course will also assess the full range of global banking and money exchanges, including country and regional commercial policies, overnight deposits, SWIFT wire transfers, M1-M2-M3 L lending-rate benchmarks, and "prime" [LIBOR] lending-rate benchmarks. The emphasis will be on specification, models, risk positions, hedging, and the general purpose of lending, borrowing, and short-term commercial securities.
The functions and relative intercommunications of central banks in London, EU, China, Japan, and the U.S.
All characters of daily currency transactions between selves, businesses, and nations
The purpose of money markets’ short-term lines of credit on regular/late balances
The function of money exchange interest-bearing instruments on short-term flow holdings
Whence financial engineering evolved the swap exchanges for interest and currency
Whence commercial policies influence short-term cash flow tactics and risk positions
These roles of FOREX [outside exchange] markets cash and futures, also set and call options
Approaches for regulating banking and money exchange transactions and relations
This training course will cover an inductive logic procedure for introducing new terms-concepts-models-methods, as well as a highly interactive case-discussion aimed at a useful application of key methods in global short-term money exchanges. Banking-intermediary terms, situations, products, and duties will be applied directly to the attendees' associations/firms/industries in small-group crew case projects. The primary emphasis is on being proactive in advancing a strong understanding of global banking regular transactions and potential issues-risks that must be addressed re monetary policies in both domestic and international markets, overnight / daily balances of money market positions, and how to mitigate the impact of neutralizing moves in the FOREX and interest rate markets.
Attendees will have an urgent return on investment [ROI] to their firms/teams by bringing banking, monetary policy, foreign currency exchange, and money exchange models, thoughts, terminology, and aspects directly to their workplace, associates, staff, and superior management.