This training course will stimulate and refresh your awareness and useful skills in corporate financial reporting as it moves through a period of active and extensive transformation.
The course will provide a refresher on the traditional foundation principles upon which financial information is planned and reported, as well as contextualize this within the context of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and its International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
This training course will also provide an important update on recent improvements, as well as investigate the growing emphasis on stakeholder value production by analyzing the continuous improvement of Integrated Reporting.
You will also gain valuable practical Excel skills in developing financial ratio analysis tools, cash flow forecasting, and creating graphical financial reports for internal company management during the training course.
This training course has been planned to give you up-to-date awareness and useful skills in the preparation, presentation, and interpretation of financial statements and corporate records.
This training course will be structured as a very participative workshop with formal performances, case studies, and interactive worked illustrations.
Relevant models and case studies are presented to illustrate the application of each of the issues covered and opportunities are given to acquire and utilize the key financial accounting and reporting principles using useful illustrations and activities.
The organization will serve from the improvement and practical use of advanced skills in financial accounting and reporting as well as from increased knowledge of significant recent improvements in the judgment and recording of stakeholder value creation using Integrated Reporting techniques, specific benefits for the organization will include:
Delegates will serve from modernized experience and useful skills in financial accounting and reporting that will enable them to make a greater increase to the growth and development of corporate broadcasting whilst at the same time improving their career growth potential.