As Industry 4.0 evolves, the Supply Chain and Logistics will remain its lifeblood, and clogs and obstructions in the movement can suffocate the life out of Industry 4.0 and reduce profits from the industry's developments, as these developments will not be able to reach customers on time. As a result, Supply Chain and Logistics 4.0 is required to transport all of the industry's goods and information and allow the final product to reach customers.
Even if we consider 3D printing technology to be a new way of manufacturing, entities and businesses will still need to relocate the same 3D printers to the printing location.
As data availability grows, so does the possibility of shifting away from traditional forecasting techniques and into the realms of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. Data analysis, planning, and real-time response to differences in supply chain become "must-haves," and we can now see into the future and make decisions based on the dynamic simulation of agency and process behavior using Big Data analysis and dynamic simulation tools.
This training course is designed to help institutions, businesses, and individuals transform their existing supply chain to a Supply Chain 4.0 and compete in the fourth industrial revolution.
This optimization training course uses a supervised training method in which participants are guided through real-life cases of Big Data application in Supply Chain optimization.
Participants will be given a Personal Learning Edition of the AnyLogic and anyLogistix software, which they will use to improve their own designs.
Through functional exercises, participants will learn how to identify the sources of Big Data within their Supply Chain and how to connect the data from these authorizations with simulation designs to get the outputs from a Supply Chain and how to acquire valuable penetrations from these crops and use them in real-time decision making.
Possibilities for removing human decision-making from specific details of supply chain planning and execution will also be performed.
As Big Data converts part of our everyday life the arrangements within the Supply Chain convert more frequent and time-constrained, the teams that manage to convey decisions that can be created by the artificial intelligence away from their workers and allow their people to make the arrangements based on the accurate predictions will be the ones that will not only survive in the competitive world but also thrive and build large returns on investment to their stakeholders.
Participants will achieve the potential of Supply Chain 4.0, get Big Data Analysis, and gain knowledge on the software and solutions that can help them produce their regular jobs easily and efficiently, specifically, representatives will receive: