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Soft Skills global Horizon Plus Training Center

The Advance Enterprise Risk Management

The confusion in the world is advancing – with increasing public unrest fluctuating oil prices, natural disasters of a measure thought unimaginable, volatile funds markets, and world economic ambiguity.

In this time of global uncertainty, how do you drive a course through these difficult waters? Thankfully many companies have recognized that a Project Risk Management (ERM) approach was needed. This has ensured that risks that were previously managed in isolation can be aggregated and prioritized across the entire business.

Stopping here, on the other hand, is like driving a plane on a highway; it may be faster than the cars, but it hasn't reached its full potential.

Advanced ERM goes one step further. Risks are estimated based on the importance of the business. A new understanding of the risks emerges, and efficient controllers can be performed to address what is important to the business. In short, the locus shifts from risk avoidance to strategic value creation.

This training course on Advanced Enterprise Risk Management will allow:

  • Take Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) to an imperative level
  • Learn tutoring from Global risk events
  • Delimit a clear risk attitude and appetite process
  • Recognize the key emerging risks
  • Joint risk certainly with decision-making

Course Objectives of The Advanced Enterprise Risk Management

Subsequent performing this course you will be able to:

  • Perform appropriate and diverse techniques for the identification and assessment of risks

  • Produce measured value by following the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) structure with corporate representation expectations

  • Join the Board in the summary of project risk scenarios

  • Foster a culture that strengthens suitable risk-taking to balance mark creation and mark protection

  • Clarify Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) responsibilities of all employees from officials to the front line

  • Complete Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) for each line of marketing

  • Enhance achievement of corporate objectives by linking performance marks, and risk management activities

Course Methodology of The Advanced Enterprise Risk Management

This is an advanced-level training course and delegates should have preceding experience in the risk arena. Delegates should have a good educational standard and/or a professional qualification but no preparation is required.

The delivery method will be Group-live- with exercises and role-plays to simulate audit summaries and situations that insurance professionals will encounter. A short test will be given at the end of the course.

Organizational Impact of The Advance Enterprise Risk Management

This Advanced Enterprise Risk Management training course will profit organizations in all business divisions. It will accommodate advanced tools and methods to refocus the risk method towards business materiality with each danger being assessed and compared by its financial, legal, reputational, and regulative impact, and analyzed by the force they could have on the business.

This training course will enable organizational knowledge to be enhanced in the following areas:

  • The many and varied approaches to risk identification
  • The use of sophisticated techniques such as Delphi, Monte Carlo, and Bayesian network analysis
  • Key Risk indicators
  • How to energize your staff to manage risks
  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in projects

Personal Impact of The Advance Enterprise Risk Management

This  training course will allow delegates to enhance their experience in the following disciplines:

  • Risk register effectiveness
  • Driving risk ownership
  • Coordinating the ERM method
  • Challenging risk evaluations
  • Charming top management in the ERM method

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